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An afternoon is enough to create this bag!
It is made up of 5 neoprene panels and two Granny Square crochet squares.
With the wool, in addition to the two tiles, the different squares and the two handles are also joined together.
The finished bag measures 25x25x25 cm.
Materials and Tools
- Material kits available at Edilaciliacreates – the kit includes:
- 5 perforated neoprene squares
- 1 ball of wool
- a pair of handles
- crochet hook number 4
- knitting needle
Work two Granny Square Classic
With the ball of wool work no. 2 Granny Square Classic the size of a neoprene square.
See how here knit a Granny Square Classic.
Once you reach the last round of the tile, work one round in single crochet and then close.
Finish each neoprene square
With the wool supplied, work on the edge of each neoprene square, a round of single crochet in the holes alternating with 2 chain stitches.
In the corners work 2 single crochets together.
Join the tile to the square
Join each crocheted tile to a neoprene square.
Working a round of single crochet, join the Granny Square to the neoprene square on all 4 sides.
Attach the handles to the bag
Each handle must be placed across the fourth hole of a square to which the tile has been applied.
Work 5 rounds of 3 single crochets and then insert the handle ring. Then work in the 3 stitches below to close the strip of stitches worked on the bag.
Repeat for the other parts of the two handles.
Assemble the bag
Join the 5 squares together with a round of single crochet.
Place the squares with the tile, one opposite the other.
At this point the bag is over!!
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