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Here is a very easy and quick creative sewing project to do.
It is a very simple kitchen apron, with a nice large pocket in the central part.
To make this project you only need 3 pieces of fabric, thread and sewing machine.
Read the list of materials below carefully!!
Materials and Tools
- 1 rectangle of fabric for the central part measuring 73×50 cm
- 1 rectangle of fabric for the belt measuring 10x170cm
- 1 rectangle of fabric for the pocket measuring 26x21cm
- sewing machine with basic stitches
Prepare your pocket
Iron 2 0.5 cm folds on the short sides and on the long side which forms the base of the pocket.
Iron 2 folds on the fourth side: one 1.5 cm and the second 2 cm.
Then make a seam on the edge. This way we got a hem for the top edge of the pocket.
Sew the central part of the apron
Iron 2 folds on the short sides: one 1.5 cm and one 2 cm.
Then sew to close the hem on the side parts.
Iron 2 folds, always 1.5 cm and then 2 cm, on the long side of the rectangle. This will be the bottom part of the apron.
Sew to form the bottom hem.
Prepare the side folds on the top
Once the hems have been formed on the 3 parts of the central rectangle, sew 2 folds to the right and left of the rectangle, on the upper part.
For the first foldto measure 8 cm from the outer side edge, and then another 4 cm, then bring the first mark to coincide with the second, towards the inside. This results in a 2cm fold.
From this fold, measure a distance from 5.5 cm and mark the point. From this second point mark 3 cm.
Bring the first sign onto the second, always towards the inside of the rectangle, and thus obtain the second fold 1.5 cm.
Repeat the operation, mirrorwise, on the second side of the rectangle.
Once the folds are pinned, we can sew to secure them.
Attach the pocket to the apron
Mark the middle of the pocket and the middle of the bottom edge of the apron.
Position the pocket 8 cm from the bottom edge.
Pin the pocket and sew on 3 sides to seal the pocket to the apron fabric.
Attach the belt to the apron
Iron the folds along the entire length of the rectangle and mark the middle.
Also mark the middle of the belt strip.
Position the belt on the rectangle starting from the two halves.
The rectangle must be pinned with the wrong side over the right side of the belt.
Pin and sew.
Fold the belt in half on the long side and pin.
Sew each side piece up to the stitching point with the central rectangle.
Cut the corners and turn the belt over, ironing well.
Also iron the central part of the belt, taking care to create a 1 cm fold.
Sew only the central part.
The apron is finished!
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